IUCN/SSC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin

©IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group

Volume 35 Issue 1 (January 2018)

New Book
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Cover of Understanding Animal Behaviour by Rory Putman UNDERSTANDING ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR


This new book tries to explain in two sections animal behaviour in an understandable way (as indicated already in the title). Rory Putman, an Emeritus Professor of Behavioural and Environmental Biology at the Manchester Metropolitan University and visiting Professor of Wildlife Welfare at the University of Utrecht wrote this book and surely does not fail in his attempt. In two parts animal behaviour across various vertebrates is described. In the first section animal behaviour is described based on our current understanding on animal perception of their environment and how this will result in a certain behavioural response. In the second part evolutionary forces that have shaped complex behaviour as we know it are discussed. Topics include various aspects related to behaviour ranging from learning to genetics, social structure or reproductive behaviour. All this is nicely illustrated by drawings of his wife and wildlife artist Catherine Putman. Although otters are not mentioned this book will be of interest for any interested wildlife biologist.
ISBN 978-184995-330-6 Whittles Publishing

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